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What’s with ESG & Sustainability Linked Derivatives?

There are a growing number of Sustainability Linked/ESG Derivative products in the market.

Recent Developments

  • Whilst the growing number of these products is an interesting trend there are no set market practices/principles and we are not sure what the end game is on some of these products.

  • Whilst we don’t think that costs related to derivatives can be counted under a use of proceeds approach, we believe that links to Sustainability outcomes on these instruments can offer some innovation opportunities in Sustainable Finance.

  • Overall, anything that helps incentivize better sustainability performance is generally good, however, robustness and credibility needs to be upheld.

  • Plenty of issues to think through and consider – lets peel off some layers below

Types of Sustainability Related Derivatives

We can break down the types of derivatives into the following:

  1. Traditional Derivatives with a Sustainability Link such as an interest rate swap connected to underlying Sustainable Finance Instrument (green bonds or loans eg/SLL/SLB’s etc).
  2. Conventional Bonds/Loans: Derivatives connected to underlying conventional finance Instruments (bonds/loans – not UoP or SLL instruments).
  3. Trading: Derivatives connected to underlying trading and purely profit-making activities.
  4. ESG Specific Derivatives (could be for trading or risk management), many of which are not established yet.

Discussion Points and Issues

  • Best to only permit ESG derivatives for sustainable businesses and connected to underlying Sustainable Finance instruments?
  • Consider tenor for derivative (maybe best to max 3-5 years) or else too short to link a sustainability outcome.
  • Regulations for different markets (ie. Does this work in all markets for all currencies)?
  • Support derivative structures which are primarily for trade and profit driven only? This is a difficult one. Maybe best not to support these with ESg derviatives.
  • Reputational risks that might not have covered and thought of?

Best References in the Market

Future Developments

  • More derivative instruments embedding sustainability links within them.
  • New type of specific ESG derivatives to emerge.
  • More transactions with a double whammy ie. Linked on the actual sustainability related bond/loan and also on the derivative.
  • ESG derivatives will continue to evolve as it’s a large area of business with lucrative opportunities for Banks.

Tags: , Last modified: January 5, 2022