Author: SFKx Media

10 Best KPI Tips for Structuring Linked Transactions

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These tips are our top 10 suggestions that we hope you'll find as useful as we do....

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Does the Interest-In match the Interest-On Green Deposits?

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Green Deposits are all the rage and banks are offering lots of products with this label nowadays. ...

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Minding the Mine: Decarbonization of the Mining Sector

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Mining has a huge role to play as we dig (excuse the pun) ourselves out of the hole that is the climate crisis...

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What’s with ESG & Sustainability Linked Derivatives?

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There are a growing number of Sustainability Linked/ESG Derivative products in the market. ...

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EU Green Bond Standard: Will it become the new de-facto?

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The Green Bond Standard (or GBS as it's also known) is fast becoming the mark that all other sustainable bonds are measured against ...

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What are the Pros & Cons of Hybrid Frameworks and Transactions?

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Hybrids have become very much in the frame recently, there's lots to unpack. ...

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Mind your Own Language: Materiality

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An important concept such as this needs it's due attention. ...

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What is the Significance of the Pure-Play Concept?

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Pure Play is a term you'll come across quite often in the world of Sustainable Finance ...

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Best Tools in the shed to assess Transition Decarbonization (1 of 2)

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Here are 6 tools that will help you tackle your transition plans to keep your investors onside. ...

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Can Guarantees Be Green?

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How do you ensure that guarantees have a sustainability link connected to them...not sure? Well take a look here. ...

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