Author: SFKx Media

Sustainable Finance Bingo – Emerging Concepts

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Recently we’ve attended a bunch of conferences and webinars, so have outlined our main takeouts in terms of emerging concepts in...

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SF Qtr 3 – Our Top 4 Market Trends to keep an eye on

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We have recently reflected on Q3 2022 numbers for Sustainable Finance. There are some important subtle changes in the market that we need...

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Where’s ESG in Credit Risk? – Egg on your face?

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Where's the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) factors in your Credit Risk policy? - or will you end up with egg on your face?!...

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Is your Baseline Baseless?

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It's all about the Base! ...

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Sustainable Finance in Shipping (Part 2 of 2)

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Surfing Rough Seas: Its all about Co2 me Hearties! - Let's conclude this series with Part 2...

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Sustainable Finance in Shipping (Part 1 of 2)

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Surfing Rough Seas: Its all about Co2 me Hearties!...

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Do OH+S Metrics make good KPIs?

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Are OH&S (Occupational Health and Safety) Metrics good KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for Linked Facilities?...

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The Ukraine conflict & impact on Sustainable Finance

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The recent and ongoing war in Ukraine is a humanitarian catastrophe. ...

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What the Duck? Refinancing, LookBack, Allocated & Unallocated UoP

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Some of the most misunderstood concepts in the Sustainable Finance market are the differences between Refinancing, Look Back Periods,...

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Fashion Police: Recent Arrests in Sustainable Finance

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There are a growing number of misdemeanors and offences that we have spotted in Sustainable Finance recently. Whilst these started as...

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